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Created 8-Aug-11
Modified 19-Dec-24
Visitors 95
69 photos
Our Heaven Scent Litter of Belgian Tervuen. UKC Champion Matti Deabei ''Matti'' x Basquelaine Winning Colors ''Mimi'' aka ''Marie''
Aqua BoyBlue BoyGreen BoyYellow BoyPink GirlRed GirlPurple GirlLet's meet up at the watering holeThe Tervuren Rainbow CoalitionYellow Boy, Red Girl, Aqua BoyYellow Boy, Red GirlRed Girl dominating Green BoyRed on the move, looking forr her next victim lolRed Girl posingRed Girl calling a truce with Green Boy who she always sleeps next toGreen BoyPurple GirlPurple GirlAqua BoyAqua Boy